Monday, December 29, 2003

Physical Health

So did you know that your cells communicate with each other?
There is actually cellular letters, molecularly speaking, that form a cellular alphabet your cells use to communicate to other cells. These molecules are on the surface of every cell.

If you had these molecular nutrients in your diet, how do you suppose that would affect your health? What body functions and processes do you suppose these nutrients would assist with? Or perhaps the better question is what do you supposed these micro-nutrients wouldn't assist with?

Well, every cell does uses little tiny micro glyco-protein molecules as letters for an alphabet used to communicate to other cells its identity, needs for repair, request for food, etc. Every cell. Good cells and bad cells.
Technology Review: Glycomics

If the bad guys (viruses, mal-functioned cells, unhealthy bacteria, toxins, etc) were properly labelled, the immune system would be better able to "read" them and take them out (sorry for my lack of medical jargon). You immune system (made up of various other cells) use this same cellular alphabet.

Sadly, most of us are lacking the nutrients in our food to provide the body with these needed alphabet molecules. At best, we only get a couple of the molecular letters in our diet. How well could you communicate if you only had a quarter of the alphabet at your disposal?

So suppose you were taking these nutrients, how would your body feel? Better? Or worse?

Well considering most of us are veritable toxic dumps, to actually enable cells to communicate properly and the immune system to be properly armed, you could feel worse - initially. In fact, you could feel terrible as your immuse system wakes up to the dull roar or "help me" screams from its cells and starts dealing with long harbored issues. Any natural supplement regeim should yield similar results.

How old are you? It took that many years for you to get into the state of health that you are now in. Do you think taking a few nutrients for a few minutes (ok a month) is going to fix it all?

The bad feelings should pass, then the nutrient supplements should go on dealing with the everyday issues that food and nutrition in our bodies should deal with. But it is a jungle out there, a stressful and toxic jungle. Your nutritional needs are increased under the stresses of painful relationships, busy careers, exams, commuting, not enough time in life.

So why doesn't your doctor tell you about this stuff? Because this research is done in the area of science and biology, and the medical area hasn't caught up, yet. Medical science is more concerned with drug development - they don't necessarily want to do a lot of research on anything that they can't patent and sell through a pharmaceutical company.

Plus if your doctor graduated more than 8 years ago ... well, she or he simply doesn't have a lot of time to do a lot of reading. And the reading they do would more likely be in the area of pharmaceutical medicine than science.

To read an incredible account of how these glyco nutrients saved one man from "streptococcal toxic-shock syndrome, or TSS, a life-threatening disease that among survivors usually results in the loss of arms, legs or other muscle and flesh" click for full story.
(to see highlights, click here)

Product info


"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." ---Ghandi

When Sir Thomas Watson was asked how to achieve success more rapidly he replied, "Double your failure rate."

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" ---Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Fresh manna - good nutritious food - is almost becoming a concept for museums to exhibit, poets to write about, and artists to create.

The nutrients our fresh foods contained 10-20 years ago has been replaced with toxins. Most people eat things that come from a box or a can, instead of from an animal or a plant. (don't mean to offend any vegetarians, but I find being a vegetarian requires a few courses to do it succesfully).

Cancer rates among our population are increasing, 1 in 10, 1 in 5, now 1 in 3, approaching 1 in 2 people will have cancer in the next 10 years. The nutrition component of cancer is more and more supported by science (why doesn't anyone just listen to my mother, she knew this years ago - but science wasn't saying it then!) To be in the low risk group for cancer, you need to consume 10 - 14 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day. When was the last time you consumed 10 servings of vegetables in a 24 hour period?

We all need to supplement.

I'm talking vitamins, minerals and other nutrient classes. (If vitamins and minerals were enough you wouldn't need to eat, except for caloric intake).

But wait, there's more than just taking supplements:

Plants can eat dirt.
People can't.
When you eat your vitamins, there's a good chance you are just eating dirt.

Most of the vitamin supplements available on the store shelves are... ground up rocks, or pure dirt.
You have to get your vitamins from plants, not from dirt.

For the amount of organic iron in an iron tablet, you would be just as well off to lick a nail - don't do that, I don't recommend it. All of the vitamins you ingest need to be in a food matrix. In other words, the source of your supplements need to come from plants.

Friday, December 26, 2003

Ok, so my blog description got truncated, again. I fix it, and it appears for a short while after it is posted, but I guess the blog server decides it is too long and over-rides my creativity. It is / was good, well, I think so. I will have to redo it in an abbreviated form (*sigh* all this lack of understand that creativity does not fit in boxes - just like when you have a 300 word essay assignment and you want to write 600 words. Or vice versa, but that's not the case here, now, is it?)

Well, anyway, I had a wonderful Christmas, and I have a ton of things to share on my blog but now I'm exhausted and want to go boxing day shopping today, so I better get to bed. (None of you American's know what Boxing Day is, do you? Well it is a real holiday here in Canada - for "boxing" up those unwanted gifts and returning them. Also the craziest sale day of the year - sort of like the day after Thanksgiving - only we don't do that here. Thanksgiving is a month earlier - our growing season is shorter, it wouldn't do at all to be Thankful for the bountiful harvest 2-3 months after the crops are in now would it?).