Saturday, February 28, 2004

I want to learn more about investing... Here's some good info that I found.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

The number of physicians in the US is 700,000.

Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year is 120,000.

Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.

(US Dept. of Health & Human Services)

Then think about this:

The number of gun owners in the US is 80,000,000 (yes, eighty million!).

The number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups) is 1,500.

The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .0000188.

Statistically, then, doctors are about 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.


- I do not support the NRA.

- but I do support taking responsibility for your own health.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Well we did it! We posted 2 auction items on ebay!

Here are the links - one for a bobblehead of Bret Hart - the wrestler who is a part owner of the Calgary Hitman, a junior hockey team;
The Hitman

and the other for a copy of Macromedia Flash 4

This is exciting!

We have another Hitman bobblehead that we will put on ebay on Saturday.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

So what is the point of this exercise anyway? What is the point of life?

I like to think that I have it all figured out. For now anyway. Actually, I think that I do. I come to this conclusion, and then go off on some other tagent momentarily or sustain it for a while, but always return back to the center. The point of life is to love.... to learn to love and to be loved.

I've been learning some mind bending stuff lately. Stuff about people and their lives and their spiritual experiences. I'm sorry to say that I've had a pretty small view of the world, people and God. I've stuffed God in boxes, and he continually finds a way to destroy it, but then I try to contain him in a slightly bigger box - or at least one of a different shape. But the truth is, God doesn't fit in any box. There are no paramaters, no boundaries to his existance, his ability, nor to his love. God is love, it is his essence.

People have fought wars through the ages for three reasons, money, politics and religion... all of them an attempt to exert power over others. To control. Power corrupts... (you know the rest).

God doesn't exert his contol over others. If he did, we'd all be robots. Afterall, he is God isn't he? He invites us, and gives us the choice to come. It is the gift to man to chose that results in so much pain (and conversly, so much joy). We have suffered great pain, huge offenses and horrible atrocities because of other's choices or our own.

If coersion is used to control, manipulate or impose our view on others - then there in interference with the divine right of choice. Even if it is believed that the best interests of the other is at heart.

Can I go back and fix the past? Erase all of the times I've attempted to coerse others to believe as I do? Not hardly. Can I walk perfectly from here on, and never fall into the trap of insecurity, allowing others to have their different experiences and opinions? Far from perfect, I am. I do feel more enlightened, and because of that I know I will grow and hurt less and less people. But I don't beat myself up for imperfections because he fully loves me anyway.