Tuesday, January 20, 2004


I volunteer. A lot... everyday, all day. Well, sometimes it feels like it. I began volunteering for many reasons, one of which was to return back to the community what the community had done for me when I needed various kinds of support from various kinds of agencies.

Volunteering is contagious, or perhaps the correct word is addicting. Once it gets in your blood, it absorbs into your DNA. In fact the volunteer organization that I started grew so popular that it was not only addicting, it took over my income producing job(s). Guess which I quit? In my other life, I taught deaf kids.

Well I am in quite a conundrum about saying that I volunteer. I dislike the whole "blowing your own horn" routine, and I would much prefer any "heavenly reward" over any kudos or praise from any mortals. Thank you very much. So by saying that I volunteer and had to quit my j.o.b. because it was seriously cutting into my passion of volunteering, am I missing my "heavenly reward"? What about if I asked you to support my health product business or to buy your Amazon books through my links? (You pay the same amount regardless of whether you buy directly through the Amazon web-site or through some small affiliate.)

[a little aside: Besides the fact that it is the best health based NWM company around - they won't produce a product unless it is several times more effective than anything else on the market and have many listings in the PDR because of their commitment to research constraints that are demanded of pharmaceutical companies; health product companies have much lower standards but they demand the best of themselves.]

Coming soon: I will be posting links to my ebay stuff for sale, and other web-based businesses that I am working on. Web based business and network marketing is the only thing that makes for me to do since my volunteer "work" needs me to be flexible and not committed to a j.o.b.

Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Whatever you do, don’t take responsibility for your own health.

Eat whatever you want and let your doctor tell you everything that you need and tell you what prescriptions your body is deficient on.

Is there hope if you don't recognize my sarcasm?

Sometimes it is right to do something that is "wrong" to protect values and stand up to injustices. Sometimes we have to fight for what we believe and to be unpopular in expressing our beliefs in helping other people to wake up, or to push against giants to make them stop squashing us.

Tonight we saw the movie John Q - with Denzel Washington. Let me oversimplify the plot; Denzel takes a hospital hostage to put his son on the heart transplant list. The hospital wasn't going to do the transplant because he had too little insurance coverage. Before they could send him home to die, daddy took the hospital hostage - and proposed some additional drastic measures which then he had to decide if he was going to follow through with. I guess we would call that civil disobedience

The movie identifies a few injustices of the American medical system.
Like the fact that doctors get bonuses at Christmas from insurance companies for not giving / recommending medical treatments that are costly, and for only doing the basic coverage things - when the insurance is limited. Denzel's kid had a horribly enlarged heart, but it was never identified, but it could have/should have been a lot sooner.

As well as the injustices of the medical system, this also says to me "hey people - don't wait for your doctor to make you all better, take your health into your own hands!" Finally people seem to be doing that more and more.

Drs. have played God for too long - and people have allowed them to play God - sort of like a bent form of church, because some don't want to take responsibility and some want the power of everyone looking to them for answers.

Oh, and then there are your friendly, neighborhood pharmaceutical giants.

Some health plans will only cover "generic" drugs and when it comes to transplants and immune suppressants, there are no generics available.
Patents last 17 years - and the drug companies charge incredible fees justified by "research costs." ... but they spend more money on marketing than they do on R&D.

Surprisingly our toxic environment doesn't do a good enough job of suppressing our immune system, if you have someone else's heart in your chest that your body thinks is an intruder.

Makes me glad to be Canadian... we pay taxes, and we wait in line for medical treatments. Those line-ups are getting increasingly longer, but everyone waits in the same line.

Your body is your responsibility.

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Maintaining your Weight
Eat This For Breakfast & You'll Get Fat

Eat toast made with white bread or any sugary cereal for breakfast, and you'll probably pack on the pounds--not because of the high calories in these foods, but rather because of their high glycemic index.

The BBC News Online reports that researchers from Oxford Brookes University have determined that these foods make you hungrier come lunchtime. That is, eat Corn Flakes or Rice Krispies for breakfast and you'll pig out at lunch.

What are the best breakfast foods? That would be cold or hot cereals made from whole grains. Oatmeal is ideal. As Mom used to say, oatmeal sticks to your ribs, and that means you'll eat more sensibly at lunchtime because you won't have strong hunger pangs.The message here is exciting. Eat the right foods for breakfast and you could lose weight without dieting--just being smart in what you eat. Of course, the opposite is true as well. If you eat the wrong foods, you could gain weight even though you don't realize it. And the magic element is a low glycemic index or GI, which is a measurement--assigned as a number of 0 to 100--to describe the effect specific foods have on our blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates that breakdown quickly during digestion have the highest GIs with a blood glucose response that is fast and high. Carbohydrates that breakdown slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have lower GIs.

The study: The British researchers recruited 37 children ages 9 to 12 and divided them into three groups. The first ate a breakfast of porridge or a bran-based cereal with a glycemic value of less than 55. The second group had the same breakfast, but with added sugar to raise the glycemic value above 55. The last group ate white bread and sugary cereals with a glycemic value of 75 to 100. The children ate no snacks during the morning. At lunchtime, they were allowed to eat all they wanted from an open buffet.

The results: The kids who ate a breakfast with a low GI index ate significantly less for lunch than those who ate breakfast foods with a high GI. They were also less likely to feel hungry between meals, notes the BBC.Calling the study "remarkable," lead researcher Jeya Henry told the BBC, "By selecting the type of breakfast we feed our children, we can alter their subsequent food intake. Feeding them a high GI breakfast will mean they will eat more."

If you want to eat foods with a low GI, the University of Sydney in Australia recommends the following:

Breakfast cereals based on oats, barley, and bran.
"Grainy" breads made with whole seeds.
Reduce the amount of potatoes you eat.
All types of fruit and vegetables (except potatoes).
Plenty of salad vegetables with vinaigrette dressing.

The study findings were published in the journal Pediatrics.
Many diet supplements are high glycemic and actually defeat your stuggle for weight control. Many diet plans actually instruct you to restrict low glycemic foods and eat high glycemic foods. For a information on a supplement program that is low glycemic click here.

*note - one of the biggest problems with diet plans is consumer abandonment - jumping from one diet plan or supplement to another - ok I don't remember the proper term, but basically when you find something that works, that you know others have had good results with, you have to maintain it, and stick through any plateauing your body will naturally do in making adjustments.

Friday, January 09, 2004

Then there's the issue of antibiotic resistent bacteria - which has killed more people in one single year than the entire Vietnam War...

News Story Here

How do you protect yourself?

Your immune system needs to be as strong as possible. Your cells need to commucate properly to be able to identify and properly handle things that don't belong in your body.

More information here

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Physical Health
Drugs rarely effective? Why take, them then?

ArcaMax Health and Fitness for You
Thursday December 18, 2003

Glaxo Exec Admits Drugs Ineffective

LONDON (UPI) -- A senior executive with Britain's biggest drug company has admitted most prescription medicines do not work on most people who take them. Allen Roses, worldwide vice president of genetics at GlaxoSmithKline, told Monday's London Independent fewer than half of the patients prescribed some of the most expensive drugs actually derived any benefit.

Roses, an academic geneticist from Duke University in North Carolina, spoke at a recent scientific meeting in London where he cited figures on how well different classes of drugs work in real patients. "The vast majority of drugs -- more than 90 percent -- only work in 30 or 50 percent of the people," Roses said. "I wouldn't say that most drugs don't work. I would say that most drugs work in 30 to 50 percent of people. Drugs out there on the market work, but they don't work in everybody."
Your body doesn't lack a pharmeceuticals if you are ill, you are lacking nutrients. There are no side effects to proper nutritional supplements as there are with drugs. ALL drugs are toxic. Because drugs are toxic, you do feel something, and often quite quickly, but that doesn't mean that what you feel is positive. It may suppress the symptom, but the symptom is just the body's way of saying "help!" Suppressing a symptom is like putting duct tape over the oil light on your dash board, instead of changing the oil in your car.

How old are you? It took you as many years as you have been alive to get into the state of health that you are in, will a few days on a supplement reverse many years worth of lack of proper nutrition and toxic living and our stressful lifestyles? I hope I don't have to answer that for you.